I am using the dhtmlXTree. I have a requirement to load most of the tree, perhaps 3/4. There is a top level node, let’s call it A that will have at most two descendant levels.
Level A as well as all level B’s will be loaded. When clicking on level B, the child nodes of level B will be loaded dynmically from the server.
I am able to get the correct data back, but refreshItems doesn’t seem to be putting them anywhere. There are no errors given, either.
Here is how I load my tree initially.
function loadTree(gci) {
tree=new dhtmlXTreeObject(“treebox_tree”,“100%”,“100%”,0);
Here is how I am trying to refresh the nodes.
function refreshTheClickedNode(nodeId) {
var array = new Array();
array[0] = nodeId;
alert(‘subitems before:’ + tree.getAllSubItems(nodeId));
alert('subitems after: ’ + tree.getAllSubItems(nodeId));
The id of the clicked link is: “001344746”
The data returned looks like this:
I get no errors, but neither does the refreshed node show any children. Making a call to getAllSubItems, to check if anything was added, does not return anything neither before, nor after the call.
Thanks for your help.