Hi All,
i am working on Dhtmlx calendar with image. when i click on the image calendar pop up is opening and selected date is displaying on the text box. but if i modify any date in the text box it is not setting on the calendar popup… please help me in this…
Please find my attached code :
Jsp Code:
function init()
asOfDate = new dhtmlxCalendarObject(‘asofdateTs’);
asOfDate.attachEvent(“onClick”, selectAsOfDate);
document.getElementById(‘asOfDate’).value = asOfDate.getFormatedDate(“%d %b %Y”) ;
function selectAsOfDate(date) {
document.getElementById(‘asofdateTs’).value = " “;
var dateFormat = asOfDate.getFormatedDate(”%d %b %Y", date);
document.getElementById(‘asOfDate’).value = dateFormat;
return true;