Regarding event color in timeline


How to set the event colour, if the event is multi section and Repeated?

have you checked this demo? … vents.html
If so, can you please clarify your question - what configs/extensions do you use, how do you coloring your events, and what is not working?


Thanks for the demo, But there is no repeat event in this demo. I have created time line view with multi section and repeatable event. Please check below code.


var elements = [ // original hierarhical array to display
{key:10, label:“Delhi”, open: true, children: [
{key:20, label:“Resource1”},
{key:30, label:“Resource2”}
{key:40, label:“Mumbai”, open:true, children: [
{key:50, label:“Resource3”},
{key:60, label:“Resource4”}
{key:70, label:“Chennai”, open: true, children: [
{key:80, label:“Resource5”},
{key:90, label:“Resource6”}
{key:100, label:“Bangalore”, open:true, children: [
{key:110, label:“Resource7”},
{key:120, label:“Resource8”}
{key:130, label:“Hyderabad”, open:true, children: [
{key:140, label:“Resource9”},
{key:150, label:“Resource10”}

		section_autoheight: false,
		name:	"timeline",
		x_unit:	"minute",
		x_date:	"%H:%i",
		x_step:	30,
		x_size: 24,
		x_start: 0,
		y_unit: elements,
		y_property:	"section_id",
		render: "tree",

{name:“description”, height:130, map_to:“text”, type:“textarea” , focus:true},
{name:“custom”, height:23, type:“timeline”, options:null , map_to:“section_id” }, //type should be the same as name of the tab
{name:“time”, height:72, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”}

	scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(),"timeline");

	[u]{ start_date: "2012-07-01 00:00", end_date: "9999-01-31 00:00", text:"Task A-12458", section_id:'20,30', "event_pid":"","event_length":7200, "rec_type":"day_1___#10",id:"1",color:'red'}[/u],
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 03:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 05:00", text:"Task A-89411", section_id:20, color:"green",id:"2"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 10:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 14:00", text:"Task A-64168", section_id:20, color:"blue",id:"3"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 16:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 17:00", text:"Task A-46598", section_id:20, color:"green",id:"4"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 12:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 14:00", text:"Task B-48865", section_id:30,color:"blue",id:"5"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 14:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 16:00", text:"Task B-44864", section_id:30,color:"green",id:"6"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 16:30", end_date: "2016-01-15 18:00", text:"Task B-46558", section_id:30,color:"blue",id:"7"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 18:30", end_date: "2016-01-15 20:00", text:"Task B-45564", section_id:30,color:"green",id:"8"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 08:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 10:00", text:"Task C-32421", section_id:50,color:"blue",id:"9"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 14:30", end_date: "2016-01-15 16:45", text:"Task C-14244", section_id:50,color:"green",id:"10"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 09:20", end_date: "2016-01-15 10:20", text:"Task D-52688", section_id:60,color:"blue",id:"11"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 11:40", end_date: "2016-01-15 12:30", text:"Task D-46588", section_id:60,color:"green",id:"12"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 12:40", end_date: "2016-01-15 14:00", text:"Task D-12458", section_id:60,color:"blue",id:"13"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 01:20", end_date: "2016-01-15 02:30", text:"Task D-12345", section_id:80,color:"green",id:"14"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 03:40", end_date: "2016-01-15 4:50", text:"Task D-23456", section_id:80,color:"blue",id:"15"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 5:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 6:00", text:"Task D-34567", section_id:80,color:"green",id:"16"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 00:20", end_date: "2016-01-15 02:30", text:"Task D-45678", section_id:90,color:"blue",id:"17"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 3:40", end_date: "2016-01-15 5:50", text:"Task D-56789", section_id:90,color:"green",id:"18"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 6:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 8:00", text:"Task D-67890", section_id:90,color:"blue",id:"19"},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 00:20", end_date: "2016-01-15 02:30", text:"Task D-45678", section_id:120},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 3:40", end_date: "2016-01-15 5:50", text:"Task D-56789", section_id:120},
		{ start_date: "2016-01-15 6:00", end_date: "2016-01-15 8:00", text:"Task D-67890", section_id:120}


In This above code, my underlined event is repeated (from :2012-07-01 00:00 ,to:9999-01-31 00:00) and multi section(for 20,30) and i have given color ‘red’ to that event. i’m unable to apply red color to that event.

please suggest or give sample code to resolve the issue.
