Regroup / Ungroup

In the prev. version of dhtmlx you had a sample html showing how to ungroupBy / regroupBy.

The sample code had these lines:





Book title



         In Store



Date of Publication        

Is there a new sample of how to ungroup and regroup dynamically?

Same works for 2.5 … group.html

That ‘sample’ on the doc link you showed is just a copy of the same html from the previous version. 
It does not work when I cut and pasted it in my new 2.5 grid folders. 
In fact, there is no ‘07_extended_modes’ folder under my 2.5 folders.  Maybe I should download it again?


All online samples are using dhtmlx 2.5, same version as in downloadable package.

Are you using pro or standard edition of grid? Grouping is available as part of pro version only.

I have a Commercial license:
dhtmlxSuite Commercial license (Dec. 11, 2008)

How do I download the Commercial version if the dhtlmx site’s download is just the Standard version?

I intend to upgrade my license when my year is up, but I’d like to test out more 2.5 features now.


Could you please contact us at to get this information.