Having trouble reloading data after a save. The save is for a custom lightbox, so i have a Save, CustomFormSave and a NativeSave.
I have tried:
function init()
scheduler.attachEvent("onEventChanged", function ()
setTimeout(function ()
scheduler.load('@Url.Action("Experience_Data","Calendar",new{ id = ViewBag.ExperienceId})');
}, 1);
I get a javascript error though.
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property '!nativeeditor_status': object is null or undefined
I tried setting EnableDataprocessor to false in the controller. I don’t get a javascript error and the grid clears and reloads, but it never calls save.
scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = false;
The Save effects multiple events, or else i would try the UpdateFieldsAfterSave.
try using onAfterUpdate event of the data processor(EnableDataprocessor should be set true in configuration)function init()
scheduler.dataProcessor.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function ()
setTimeout(function ()
scheduler.load('@Url.Action("Experience_Data","Calendar",new{ id = ViewBag.ExperienceId})');
}, 1);
It must not cause any side effects.
The code need to be placed after placing schedulers code on the page, and bottom of the view is the good place for it.
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