Reloading dhtmlFolders


I have problem when i reload the dhtmlXFolders with new XMl data. I am using AJAX to fetch the XML to reload the folders area. The returned XML is alright. If each time i refresh the page, it loads the new data. My guess is the it is caching the old xml data. I do not know how to clear that. I am using dhtmlXFolders in combination to TabBars. I ma not sure which one is caching the content. Please help me on this. i have raised qunestions before to clear folder data. But now i have given an elaborate account of my problem. Hope this ll help in giving me a solution.



My guess is the it is caching the old xml data. I do not know how to clear that
Instead of


You can use

some.loadXML(“some.php?uid=”+(new Date()).valueOf());

It will add unique element to each requested url, which must resolve issue with xml data caching.