remind data

i have two select multiple en mi form_block

my question is how to remind or put the data selected in the second select(empleado) when make double click

in the event.

this is my code

scheduler.form_blocks[“my_editor”]= {


            return “




    $empleados = getLideres();

    foreach($empleados as $lider){

        echo ‘<option value=’’.$lider[‘idEmpleado’].’’’;

        echo ‘>’.$lider[‘nombreCompleto’].’’;






$con= mysql_connect($servidor,$usuario,$contrasenia) or die (mysql_error());

mysql_select_db(BD_CYSA) or die(mysql_error());

$devuelve = $event_id;


        $query = “SELECT idEmpleado, CONCAT(aPaterno, ’ ', aMaterno, ’ ', nombre) AS nombreCompleto FROM $bd_Cont.$tb_Empleado JOIN “.BD_CYSA.”.events_detalle USING(idEmpleado) WHERE event_id=”.$event_id.” ORDER BY aPaterno" or die (mysql_error());

        $result=mysql_query($query,$con) or die(mysql_error());


            echo ‘<option value=’’.$linea[‘idEmpleado’].’’’;


                echo ‘selected=‘selected’’;


            echo ‘>’.$linea[‘nombreCompleto’].’’;











            node.childNodes[1].length = 0;

            btns = node.childNodes[2].getElementsByTagName(‘input’);

            btns[0].onclick = function onclick(event){ return swapSelect(node.childNodes[0], node.childNodes[1]); };

            btns[1].onclick = function onclick(event){ return swapSelect(node.childNodes[1], node.childNodes[0]); };


                if(!ev.emple) ev.emple = [];

                var j = node.childNodes[1].options.length;

                for(i=0; i<j; i++){


                    ev.emple[i] = node.childNodes[1].options[i].value;


                return ev.emple;




        get_value:function(node,ev){ }        





        {name:“description”, height:100, type:“textarea”, map_to:“text”, focus:true },

        {name:“custom”, height:23, type:“select”, options:sections, map_to:“idAuditoria” },

    {name:“detail”, height:100, type:“my_editor”, map_to:“auto”, focus:false },

        {name:“type”, height:21, type:“select”, map_to:“event_type”, options:[

            { key:0, label:“Urgente” },

            { key:1, label:“Normal” }


        {name:“recurring”, height:115, type:“recurring”, map_to:“rec_type”, button:“recurring”},

        {name:“time”, height:72, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”}




    scheduler.config.multi_day = true;


    scheduler.init(‘scheduler_here’, null, “year”);


    var dp = new dataProcessor("…/modelo/m_scheduler_getData.php");

    dp.setTransactionMode(“POST”, true);






    var ev = this.getEvent(id);

    var date = ev.start_date;

    return (date.getDay()&&date.getDay()!=6)



    scheduler.getEvent(id).type = 0;

    return true;



    var devuelve = this.getEvent(id);

return true;


The editor values should be defined in the select_value method:

scheduler.form_blocks[“my_editor”]= {


document.getElementById(“select_empleado”).value = “some value here”;



You can strore values as

var selects = node.getElementsByTagName(“select”);
scheduler._save_for_future = selects[1].value; //or any other logic to save data

and reuse them later as

scheduler.getEvent(id).some_property = scheduler._save_for_future;
return true;

thanks for the answer

but when get the id of event  i want save this id in $event_id for make the query in the select_empleado 

$con= mysql_connect($servidor,$usuario,$contrasenia) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(BD_CYSA) or die(mysql_error());
$devuelve = $event_id;
        $query = “SELECT idEmpleado, CONCAT(aPaterno, ’ ', aMaterno, ’ ', nombre) AS nombreCompleto FROM $bd_Cont.$tb_Empleado JOIN “.BD_CYSA.”.events_detalle USING(idEmpleado) WHERE event_id=”.$event_id." ORDER BY aPaterno" or die (mysql_error());
        $result=mysql_query($query,$con) or die(mysql_error());
            echo ‘<option value=’’.$linea[‘idEmpleado’].’’’;
                echo ‘selected=‘selected’’; 
            echo ‘>’.$linea[‘nombreCompleto’].’’;

Sorry… the question isn’t clear. What id do you want to save and where ?

i want get the id of event created and save this id in my variable $event_id for make the query in the select multiple when i want update this event

$con= mysql_connect($servidor,$usuario,$contrasenia) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(BD_CYSA) or die(mysql_error());

$event_id = put the id of event here 
        $query = “SELECT idEmpleado, CONCAT(aPaterno, ’ ', aMaterno, ’ ', nombre) AS nombreCompleto FROM $bd_Cont.$tb_Empleado JOIN “.BD_CYSA.”.events_detalle USING(idEmpleado) WHERE event_id=”.$event_id.” ORDER BY aPaterno" or die (mysql_error());
        $result=mysql_query($query,$con) or die(mysql_error());
            echo ‘<option value=’’.$linea[‘idEmpleado’].’’’;
                echo ‘selected=‘selected’’;
            echo ‘>’.$linea[‘nombreCompleto’].’’;

$event_id is php variable. id of the event in scheduler is javascript variable. You can send JS variable to the server using Ajax. If dataProcessor is used the information about new events is sent automatically.