Remove resourceTimeline

how to remove resourseTimeline from resource panel and sync resources with gantt data

red square how to remove?

Hello Ivan,
You can hide the grid and timeline headers by using css:

.resourceGrid_cell .gantt_grid_scale,
.resourceTimeline_cell .gantt_task_scale {
    display: none;

Here is an example:

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Thanks a lot, but i have issue with height,
even if I set the height to 100%, the scroll reaches empty space and I want the scroll to be the height of the number of elements

@ramil please see my problem above, in your example the same problem with empty white block in the end of resources panel. Thanks a lot! I have this layout:

    css: 'gantt_container',
    rows: [
        gravity: 2,
        cols: [
          { view: 'grid', group: 'grids', scrollY: 'scrollVer', css: 'settings' },
          { view: 'timeline', scrollX: 'scrollHor', scrollY: 'scrollVer' },
          { view: 'scrollbar', id: 'scrollVer', group: 'vertical' },
      { height: 32, html: "<div class='gant_divider'></div>" },
        gravity: 1,
        id: 'resources',
        config: resourceConfig,
        cols: [
          { view: 'resourceGrid', group: 'grids', scrollY: 'resourceVScroll' },
          { resizer: true, width: 1 },
          { view: 'resourceTimeline', scrollX: 'scrollHor', scrollY: 'resourceVScroll' },
          { view: 'scrollbar', id: 'resourceVScroll', group: 'vertical' },
      { view: 'scrollbar', id: 'scrollHor' },

@ramil @sematik @ArtyomBorisevich please help me in this

@ramil @sematik @ArtyomBorisevich i found solution, just set scale height in resources config is one and also add this

.resourceGrid_cell .gantt_grid_scale,
.resourceTimeline_cell .gantt_task_scale {
  display: none;

.resourceGrid_cell .gantt_grid_data,
.resourceTimeline_cell .gantt_data_area {
  height: 100% !important;