Render events in month view


I’m using the renderEvent function to modify the style of some specific events. E.g.: = 0.70; = "url(medium_lines.png)";
And this works really great.
Is there a possibility to have a similar function for modifying events in the month view? I know that I can set the backround-color, but this is not sufficient.
Thanks for sharing any idea.

In the menatime I have overwritten the function render_event_bar to modify the style.
Propably there is a update safer solution available in the future.

usually, setting of background, padding and border is enough for customizing events in month view.
Please note that month uses two different classes depending on event timing:
.dhx_cal_event_clear - single-day events
.dhx_cal_event_line - multi-day events

can you please clarify what exactly did you need to customize, that couldn’t be achieved with css?

Hi Aliaksandr,

first of all, thanks for your great and fast support.
Basically I like to schow all events (in day, week and month view), which have the event readonly property set to true, with a specific style (background-image and opacity). From my understanding this is not possible with CSS only. I’m wrong?

you can use a template function to add a css class to specific events: … plate.html

JS:scheduler.templates.event_class = function(start,end,ev){ if(scheduler.getState() == "month"){//special class only for month view if(ev.readonly) return "readonly_event"; } return ""; };
CSS:.readonly_event{ opacity:0.7; background:url(medium_lines.png); }

Hi Aliaksandr,

cool :wink: This is a great idea to set the css class in the template function.
I have only one more issue by using this method. I don’t want to allow (and show) the resize possibility on such readonly events in month view.
Any idea how I can handle this?


you can define a css class to hide a resize handles of these events. If you applied a css template from the previous post, the readonly events will have readonly_event class. After that you can simply define following rule to hide the resizers of such events:.readonly_event .dhx_event_resize { display:none; }
You can also block d’n’d at code level using this API event: … event.html


That was it. It’s perfect working now. A very big thank you for your great support!!!
Have a nice weekend.