Hello ,
Suppose i created list of events.
1- Events may include simple event , means no recurring type (i.e. rec_type="")
2- may be repeated event.(e.g. rec_type = “week_1___2,3#no”).
3- or rec_type = none.
Ques:- How can i genrate a report by providing “start_date” and “end_date”.
and it should displayed all records including recurring events also .
on the client side you can use scheduler.getEvents(start_date, end_date) method for a reported period. Start/end date parameters are necessary for this method when recurring events are used. The method will return an array of events loaded in the scheduler including each of the repeated occurrences. docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … vents.html
I have a record like this in my DB
id start_date end_date text rec_type event_pid event_length
1 2014-06-24 12:50:00 2014-06-24 14:45:00 New event 0 0
But using ScheduleHelper it cant able to fetch between 2014-06-24 12:50:00 and 2014-06-24 14:45:00 (Exact time of a date)
one more question i.e wht exactly event_length? its look like storing in seconds,but when i tried to ptint date and time of that second its neither mathching with start_date or end_date of my event stored in DB. Can u please explain.
event_length can contain different values for master and related records.
For master event ( where event_pid is equal to 0 ), it is the length of event. For recurring event end_date points to the end of recurring period, so we need such extra info to known the length of single event instance.
For related events it is a timestamp ( time in seconds from start of UNIX epoch ) of original start date for event instance. It store the original event position, the actual start_date is still defined by start_date field.
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