RequireJS with dhtmlxgantt

Hi All,

I am looking for some sample code which uses RequireJS for AMD, and AngularJS to show the DHXgantt.

I am loading and running this file below from my GWT code and invoking the export method initGanttWidget from GWT using JSNI.
=============Begin of file=======================



  • @module js/NgUIGantt
    [‘app’, ‘angular’, ‘jquery’, ‘dhxgantt’],
    function (app, ngModule, $, gantt) {
    ‘use strict’;

     //This is check for CSS link  which is used by the gantt modules .
     var cssCheck = $("head:first > link").filter("[href='thinclient/lib/dhxgantt/dhxgantt.css']").length;
     if (cssCheck === 0) {
          * Include the CSS for 'dhxgantt' module.
         var link = document.createElement("link");
         link.type = "text/css";
         link.rel = "stylesheet";
         link.href = "thinclient/lib/dhxgantt/dhxgantt.css";
     app.directive('dhxGantt', function() {
         return {
             restrict: 'A',
             scope: false,
             transclude: true,
             template: '<div ng-transclude></div>',
             link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {
                 //watch data collection, reload on changes
                 $scope.$watch($, function(collection) {
                     gantt.parse(collection, "json");
                     var jsonPretty = JSON.stringify(collection);  
                 }, true);
                 //size of gantt
                 $scope.$watch(function() {
                     return $element[0].offsetWidth + "." + $element[0].offsetHeight;
                 }, function() {
                 //init gantt
     function templateHelper($element) {
         var template = $element[0].innerHTML;
         return template.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "").replace(/"/g, "\\\"").replace(/\{\{task\.([^\}]+)\}\}/g, function(match, prop) {
             if (prop.indexOf("|") !== -1) {
                 var parts = prop.split("|");
                 return "\"+gantt.aFilter('" + (parts[1]).trim() + "')(task." + (parts[0]).trim() + ")+\"";
             return '"+task.' + prop + '+"';
     app.directive('ganttColumnAdd', ['$filter', function($filter) {
         return {
             restrict: 'AE',
             terminal: true,
             link: function() {
                     width: 45,
                     name: "add"
     app.controller('MainGanttCtrl', function($scope) {
         $scope.tasks = {
             data: [{
                 id: 1,
                 text: "MySchedule",
                 start_date: "01-04-2013",
                 duration: 18,
                 order: 10,
                 progress: 0.4,
                 open: true
             }, {
                 id: 2,
                 text: "Task1",
                 start_date: "02-04-2013",
                 duration: 8,
                 order: 10,
                 progress: 0.6
             }, {
                 id: 3,
                 text: "Task2",
                 start_date: "11-04-2013",
                 duration: 8,
                 progress: 0.6
             }, {
                 id: 4,
                 text: "Task3",
                 start_date: "11-04-2013",
                 duration: 8,
                 order: 10,
                 progress: 0.6
             links: [{
                 id: 1,
                 source: 1,
                 target: 2,
                 type: "1"
             }, {
                 id: 2,
                 source: 2,
                 target: 3,
                 type: "0"
             }, {
                 id: 3,
                 source: 3,
                 target: 4,
                 type: "0"
             }, {
                 id: 4,
                 source: 2,
                 target: 5,
                 type: "2"
             } ]
     var exports = {};
      * Initialize (i.e. 'bootstrap') the angular system and create an angular controller on a new 'child' of the
      * given 'parent' element.
      * @param {Element} parentElement - The DOM element the controller and 'inner' HTML content will be added to.
      *            <P>
      *            Note: All existing 'child' elements of this 'parent' will be removed.
     exports.initGanttWidget = function( parentElement) {
          * Create an 'outer' <DIV> (to hold the given 'inner' HTML) and create the angular controller on it.
          * <P>
          * Remove any existing 'children' of the given 'parent'
          * <P>
          * Add this new element as a 'child' of the given 'parent'
          * <P>
          * Include the DOM elements into the AngularJS system for AW and set the callback API function.
         var ctrlElement = $( '<div ng-controller="MainGanttCtrl"/>' );
         ctrlElement.html('<div dhx-gantt style="height:350px; width:100%;"><div>');
         $( parentElement ).empty();
         $( parentElement ).append( ctrlElement );
         awInclude( parentElement, ctrlElement );
     return exports;
     // End RequireJS Define


===================End of file=========================================

I am getting the following errors when I load the above file.

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘init’ of undefined
at link (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/js/NgUIGantt.js:67:26)
at $ (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … .js:70:197)
at B (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … .js:59:255)
at g (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … .js:51:335)
at B (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … .js:59:199)
at g (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … .js:51:335)
at pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … .js:50:444
at awInclude (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/js/bo … .js:368:17)
at Object.exports.initGanttWidget (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/js/Ng … .js:181:13)
at initGanttWidgetJS_0_g$ (thinclient-0.js:758733:20) (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … min.js:102)
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘clearAll’ of undefined
at Object.fn (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/js/NgUIGantt.js:53:30)
at n.$digest (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … js:123:356)
at pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … js:126:102
at e (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … n.js:40:74)
at pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … min.js:102)
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘setSizes’ of undefined
at Object.fn (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/js/NgUIGantt.js:63:30)
at n.$digest (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … js:123:356)
at pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … js:126:102
at e (pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … n.js:40:74)
at pni6w11181:8888/thinclient/lib/a … min.js:102)
Any suggestion which I can try out

Unfortunately, we don’t have such sample.
As far as I can see, there is no any conflicts between Gantt and RequireJs ( Gantt is not an AMD module, but it can be loaded by RequireJs as any other js lib )