Resizing of Schdeuler


I have scheduler exist inside a div.
My requirement is that, when I resize the outside div or parent, scheduler should also get resize.

How can we achieve that…??

I have following code written which seems not working, This code get’s parents height and assign the new height to scheduler.

var parentNode = this.view.parentView.dom;

		var availHeight = parentNode.clientHeight;	// slow, because it has to be computed the first time
		var offsetTop = getAbsolutePos(this.dom, parentNode).top;
		if(availHeight == 0) availHeight = getPixelValue(;
		var newHeight = availHeight - offsetTop;
		if(this.dom.parentNode != parentNode)
			//BorderTopWidth is included in the offsetTop
			var borderBottomWidth = $(this.dom.parentNode).css("borderBottomWidth");
				borderBottomWidth = getPixelValue(borderBottomWidth);
				if(borderBottomWidth > 0)
					newHeight -= borderBottomWidth;
		if(newHeight > 0)
		{ = newHeight + "px";  // assigning value to scheduler.
	{ = "100%";
  • Niki


Scheduler is resized automatically. You can launch any sample and try to resize your browser window.
Be sure to check that scheduler container is resized in your application or else we have situation when browser window size is changed, container is not and there scheduler doesn’t need to resize either.

Kind regards,

Hi Ilya,

As i mentioned before,
My Scheduler is there inside a ‘Div’ which coves half the screen, not on full browser’s screen.

Is there any scheduler’s resize event which is getting hit while resizing…??
If Yes, then please let me know that How can we achieve it…??

Thanks & Regards,


Ok, so the question should be - is your container changing it size when window is resized? If so - scheduler will be resized automatically, if not - you should look up how to resize your div and not scheduler.

Yes, be sure to check onSchedulerResize.

Kind regards,