RESOLVED - DHTMLXDataProcessor problem while using IE7


I currently meet a problem in using dhtmlxdataprocessor v.2.5 build 91111 with IE7.

Sending data is OK, but getting the data treatment result is KO. The problem is placed in dhtmlxdataprocessor.afterUpdate . I just add that the v.1.0 build 80512 was OK.

a) be sure that you are using both files from the same version
b) there was changes in version 2.0+, some methods had been deprecated.
You can include dhtmlxdataprocessor_deprecated.js to restore them, or switch to new syntax ( change calls like dp.setOnAfterUpdate( to the dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", )

All that i use are those functions :



function verifErreurHandler(obj){
alert("verifErreurHandler: "+obj.firstChild.nodeValue);
dp.stopOnError = true;
return false;

and my server send me back text like


I found it !

In fact, i had to change 2 things :

First : not to send text answer, but a XML flow
Second : XML header seems to be obligatory

Try to change your code as

function verifErreurHandler(obj){ alert("verifErreurHandler: "+obj.firstChild.nodeValue); dp.stopOnError = true; return true; }

If issue still occurs - please try to include dhtmlxdataprocessor_debug.js on the page and provide result of debug output for the problematic operation.