Hi, How can I make a tooltip for the left side of the resources if the text length is wider than the line
Unfortunately, there is no built-in solution for this, but you can try manually determining the column width and comparing it to the text width:
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", () => {
const tooltips = gantt.ext.tooltips;
selector: ".gantt_row[resource_id]",
html: (event, node) => {
const resourceId = node.getAttribute("resource_id");
const store = gantt.getDatastore(gantt.config.resource_store);
const resource = store.getItem(resourceId);
const assignments = getResourceAssignments(resourceId, store);
const totalDuration = assignments.reduce((sum, { task_id, value }) =>
sum + gantt.getTask(task_id).duration * value, 0
const cell = node.querySelector(".gantt_cell.gantt_cell_tree");
if (cell) {
const cellWidth = cell.offsetWidth;
const textContainer = cell.querySelector(".gantt_tree_content");
if (textContainer) {
const textWidth = getTextWidth(textContainer.textContent, getComputedStyle(textContainer).font);
const nonTextElementsWidth = [...cell.children]
.filter(child => child !== textContainer)
.reduce((total, child) => total + child.offsetWidth, 0);
if (textWidth + nonTextElementsWidth > cellWidth) {
return `
<b>Resource:</b> ${resource.text}<br>
<b>Tasks assigned:</b> ${assignments.length}<br>
<b>Total load:</b> ${totalDuration || 0}h
return "";
const getTextWidth = (text, font) => {
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.font = font || "12px Arial";
return context.measureText(text).width;
Here is an example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool . Please note that this example requires further development and testing.
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