Hi. I have a few questions, mainly about the editing of events through the drag and drop.
Is it possible to limit (in a particular view) that events can move across columns (e.g. date / resource) but not change their time?
Similarly is it possible to limit (in a particular view) that events can change their time but not change the resource column they are in?
Can I selectively choose which events can be edited. (For example, scheduler.config.select = false; – but per event.
Is it possible to ensure that new or drag-edited events have their start and end times snapped to the nearest 15 minutes?
Can I avoid multi-day events? So when editing in the lightbox, only ask one date, but ask for a start and end time (both will be saved on the same day)
And regarding the display:
can I show lines for 15 minute time-bands rather than 30 minute default?
There is no built in way to achieve it. But you could try to implement it.
You could hide second date with appropriate css. And use onEventSave handler to correct end_date and set needed date with set time.
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