Return false on onBeforeDataSending still saves Event


If you return an return false on onBeforeDataSending/onBeforeUpdate the event still be saved in the Scheduler if you hit cancel.

See github for the fix(for me it fixed it) :slight_smile:


while creating an new event, if the server reports an error, and i click close, the Event is not removed from the Scheduler, it keeps existing.

You can either disable event creation in the onEventSave handler
or allow event creation and call a function that will check reply from the server and if you get an error - delete this event by scheduler.deleteEvent(id).


If fields are empty, and you return false the Scheduler still think it is created or update, that is why i needed to edit the source so it doesnt delete the event, else if the user hits save again it reports ev not existing ;).

OnEventSave isnt working when i use an custom lightbox :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

There is onLightboxButton event for custom buttons

As for save button - here is am example with a custom lightbox
You have a function that called when you click on the save button. Such function in the sample:


So you can allow event creation in this function in the way that I described in my prev reply.