Sorry ,the first question i’ve sent to you have a problem. My email i filled in is wrong. Sorry again for bothering you.
Hi. I has just worked with new version of dhtml connector. Combobox is a great feature which you added.
But when testing it, i discovered something very interesting.
When loading dhtmlxgrid with a table has 2 comlumns, and both their type is “co”, it will working well.
But when set 1 type is different “co” and 1 left is “co”, the one set “co” won’t load data from server in combobox.
This is your example:
File 06a_combo.html
For demo purpose only :: &1
And this is 06a_combo_connector.php file:
$grid = new GridConnector($res);
/$filter1 = new OptionsConnector($res);
$grid->set_options(“item_cd”,array(“91”=>“one”, “75”=>“two”));
I don’t know it’s my mistake or your problem. Can you test it again, please.
Thanks for your great work.