Root note image blank

Good day

When building a Tree from XML, my root node has no image. Not a checkbox, nor a +/- sign, but I am able to open, close and tick the node.

Please let me know what I can provide to assist, I have tried various skins and including of tree related files.

The beginning of the output XML is as follow:

<?xml version="1.0"?> .....


First of all try to rename root ID.
I.e. it will be “root” (don’t forget to paste it in a tree init)

var myTree = new dhtmlXTreeObject("TreeFrame","100%","100%","root"); 

And close “leaf” items:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <tree id="root"> <item id="00000" text="XXXXX" /> <item id="10000" text="XXXXX Common" /> <item id="11000" text="Program Setup" /> ..... </tree>


I have updated to version 4.1.3 in the meantime, and also changed the way I included all the files (to individual includes, instead of the bulk one), and the problem sorted itself out.
