I made a simple gantt chart that imports one task and that’s it.
{ “id”: 1, “text”: “Procedure #1”, “start_date”: “01-03-2013 18:30:02”, “end_date”: “01-03-2013 18:35:25”, “open”: true}
It creates a very small 5 minute task. If I drag this task it snaps into a full day. I have set gantt.config.round_dnd_dates = false; in my code yet it still snaps into a full day. I’ve stepped through my code and confirmed the line of code is getting hit, yet nothing has changed. Is there a particular spot I should be putting this code or what am I missing?
try using ‘minutes’ as a duration unit of a gantt chart. By default gantt calculates duration of task in days docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/snippet/31ccc191
I have the duration set to minutes but unfortunately when I slide the task it now jumps back to the previous minute (ie. task starts at 7:00am but sliding the task makes it jump back to 6:59am).
Basically if you drag ‘task1’ even a fraction of a millimeter it will snap into the previous minute (ie it initally started at 7:30am but will snap into the 7:29 spot. Drag it again and it will move to 7:28, etc.
by default gantt does not support the seconds and a decimal values of a duration_step.
So you can only get it work with a minute precision (it will require setting a couple of configs and defining ‘date.minute_start’ method) jsfiddle.net/vv64gq6a/1/
If you are ok with redefining inner methods of gantt, you can try overwrite the inner method that finalizes drag and drop, seems like it allows dragging dates with second precision