I am quite new to dhtmlx. Would someone have some sample code to start this:
Show a dhtmlx grid with 3 columns and 5 rows. The first column for each row shows a spinning wheel - some sort of progress bar indicator. The other two cells are strings.
For each row an async ajax call is to be made. Once a callback is processed for a particular row the spinning wheel for that row is to be replaced with Y or N (or a checkbox for that matter).
Thanks for the links. Bits and pieces - it will take me a while… I wonder since dhtmlajax does not have many sample examples - could the above use case scenario make it into a sample? It will be a practical illustration how to make ajax calls for dhtmlx grid.
It will be a practical illustration how to make ajax calls for dhtmlx grid.
Please specify for what propose will you use Ajax call for the grid rows?
If you want save changes from grid, you can use dhtmlxDataProcessor library. The library monitors changes in the grid and uses a simple protocol to interchange with the server side code.
Please check examples here docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … cessor:toc
All the above links you pasted gives one just a general idea how separate functionality is used. Please consider enriching the current sample with the above use case. With little bit of work - you can have more customers. It is a really simple use case but illustrates a lot of dhtmlxgrid usage.
Back to my problem. I am trying now to use forEachRow function. My script is inside the attached jsp - which btw is included from another jsp - so I really have no access to <body onLoad… How do I see the alerts?