Sample for CRUD operations for scheduler

I went through the documentation provided and example for ASP.NET MVC it explains the load operation quite well and shows entire flow but there is not example provided for Create, DELETE and Update.

I see the documentation and figured out the API Calls should be but how to call when we save or delete and added new event not explained in detail

So can you provided me a quick example on the same, the below code tells me what is required for calling but not how it should call

    // entity - "event"
    // action - "create"|"update"|"delete"
    // data - an object with event data
    // id – the id of a processed object (event)
    //var dp = scheduler.createDataProcessor(function (entity, action, data, id) {
    //    switch (action) {
    //        case "create":
    //            return
    //                server + "/" + entity,
    //                data
    //            );
    //            break;
    //        case "update":
    //            return scheduler.ajax.put(
    //                server + "/" + entity + "/" + id,
    //                data
    //            );
    //            break;
    //        case "delete":
    //            return scheduler.ajax.del(
    //                server + "/" + entity + "/" + id
    //            );
    //            break;
    //    }

I am using MVC, Java Script and API

Could you clarify the question please?
You might find the following article Saving Changes without DataProcessor useful. You can manually track changes made to the scheduler on the client side by listening to events: onEventDeleted, onEventChanged, onEventAdded.