sample of sheduler with CI won't work

Hi there!
i’ve been trying for a few times to get it works, but it wont…

i wanna only to run CI with Scheduler and with CRUD operations, scheduler displays normally, i can put events on screen, but when i refresh browser, nothing’s happened, no entries was stored.
i’ve tried on my 2 different hosting and local machine with xampp. everythings was “cloned” from tutorial, but 1 thing is missing: events.sql <- this file is not accesable, dont know where to download it.

pls. i would be gratefull if someone could send me zipped package with sample code.

I used the sample.sql and it worked

was “cloned”
Have you used files from the next package ? …

It contains the full app, including the events.sql file.

oh, that was what i’m looking for.
thank u very much. now its all working :slight_smile: