save custom field


I want save custom field from my custom lightbox.

I can save the ID Event and the custom id, but if I want save other field it dont save but it’s receive I can see in the logs.

Here my logs:

DataProcessor object initialized
1435788825630_start_date => 2015-07-01 10:20
1435788825630_end_date => 2015-07-01 13:30
1435788825630_text => 
1435788825630_id => 1435788825630
1435788825630_section_id => 1
1435788825630_id_conf => 2
1435788825630_id_trabajo => 
1435788825630_rol_conf => Moderador
1435788825630_titulo_conf => asdasdasdasdasdas
1435788825630_!nativeeditor_status => inserted
ids => 1435788825630

Row data [1435788825630]
start_date => 2015-07-01 10:20
end_date => 2015-07-01 13:30
event_name => 
id_crono => 1435788825630
section_id => 1
id_conf => 2
id_trabajo => 
rol_conf => Moderador
titulo_conf => asdasdasdasdasdas
!nativeeditor_status => inserted

change value of: rol_conf as: Moderador

INSERT INTO cronograma(start_date,end_date,event_name,section_id) VALUES ('2015-07-01 10:20','2015-07-01 13:30','','1')

INSERT INTO crono_conferencistas(id_conf,id_crono) VALUES ('2','4')

Code server:

$confs = new CrossOptionsConnector($res, $dbtype);
	$confs->link->render_table("crono_conferencistas","id_crono", "id_conf,id_crono,rol_conf,titulo_conf");

$scheduler = new SchedulerConnector($res, $dbtype);
$scheduler->set_options("conferencistas", $confs->options);

But it only save id_conf and id_crono I want save rol_conf and titulo_conf here is my javacsript:

function save_form() {
		var ev = scheduler.getEvent(scheduler.getState().lightbox_id);
		ev.text = gets("event_name").value;
		id_confs = [];
		rol_confs = [];
		tit_confs = [];
		$("input[name='persona[]']").each(function(index) {	
			var id = $(this).val();				
		id_tls = [];
		$("input[name='id_tl[]']").each(function(index) {	
			var id = $(this).val();				
		ev.id_conf = id_confs;
		ev.id_trabajo = id_tls;
		ev.rol_conf = rol_confs;
		ev.titulo_conf = tit_confs;
		scheduler.endLightbox(true, gets("form_casillero"));

Sorry, but it is by design.

Connectors saves the list of assigned elements, but will not save the data of those elements itself. So only the main events table and cross link table will be affected.

You can use server-side events to add any extra actions. … dling.html