Hi I hope someone can help me, my problem is this I’m basabdome in code examples to send and save but in response sends me the code in the file queesta coneccion.php and stores nothing in the database that I can do?
var myForm, formData;
function doOnLoad() {
formData = [
{ type:“input” , name:“nombre”, label:“Nombre” },
{ type:“input” , name:“apellidoP”, label:“Apellido Paterno” },
{ type:“input” , name:“apellidoM”, label:“Apellido Materno” },
{ type:“select” , name:“edad”, label:“Edad”, inputWidth:140, options:[
{ value:“edad”, text:“De 18 a 29” },
{ value:“edad”, text:“De 30 a 59” },
{ value:“edad”, text:“De 60 en adelante” }
] },
{ type:“button” , name:“aceptar”, value:“Aceptar” },
{ type:“button” , name:“cancelar”, value:“Cancelar” }
myForm = new dhtmlXForm(“myForm”, formData);
myForm.attachEvent("onButtonClick", function(id){
if (id == "cancelar")
if(confirm("Esta seguro que quiere cancelara la operación?"))
window.opener = window.self;
if (id == "aceptar")
myForm.send('conecxion.php', function(loader, response){