Scheduler does nothing when I click


I am currently setting up an Intranet system for my workplace. I have installed the dhtmlxScheduler and it’s been working great until recently–My month and day views don’t do anything when the user clicks. I created a timeline with multiple options, and a dialog box DOES come up when that’s clicked, but the text entry fields do not allow the user to enter their own text.
Here’s my custom fields php:

return “Name: “+ event.text+”
”+"Description: "+ event.title;

return event.title+" "+scheduler.templates.hour_scale(start) + " - " + scheduler.templates.hour_scale(end);

return “” + event.text + “”;

What am I doing wrong?

If you are using plugin, check that you are correctly logged in, the scheduler will block edit operation for not-logged user, by default. ( you can adjust it in the settings )