I’m having trouble after this request:
$scheduler->render_sql("Select e.id as id,date_deb,date_fin,e.nom as nom,e.description as description,adresse,c.libelle as libelle, c.user_id as creatcal, e.id_parent as createv from agenda_evenement e, agenda_calendrier c where e.calendrier_id=c.id AND ".$param, “id”,“date_deb,date_fin,nom,description,adresse,libelle”);
I need to get the attribute createcal like this: ev.creatcal but it returns an error.
What should I do? Is there a better way to do this?
Another small question ^^
-> Is it possible to manage the rights of CRUD access for events?
Thanks !
Normally, just adding “createcal” parameter to the list of fields, must be enough
…, “date_deb,date_fin,nom,description,adresse,libelle,createcal”);
beware, that if you are using auto-updates it will not work correctly because the real field name differs from defined one, it can be resolved as
…, “date_deb,date_fin,nom,description,adresse,libelle,user_id(createcal)”);
>> Is it possible to manage the rights of CRUD access for events?
Connectors allow to define global level rules
if (some_check())
$scheduler->access->deny(“insert”); //details can be checked in connectors documentation
or you can use beforeProcessing event to more detailed logi
function custom_before_processing($action){
if ($action->get_status()==“inserted” && $action->get_value(“some”)==“some”)
$action->error(); //block operation