I am a user of your scheduler plugin and I have an issue with the exportToPDF method.
Actually I need to convert to pdf an entire month of the scheduler, including a custom html header, with A4 and landscape mode parameters. But there is my issue, the export to a pdf file works but the file does not display the last calendar week, it seems to have not enough space. When I try to include custom css to reduce the size of the days square, the events are not rendered on the right line.
Is there any solution to print my pdf file with all the days in the month ?
It seems like you have a big number of events on Month view.
In this case you could try to decrease bar_height and month_head_height properties before export and then set it back. docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … other.html
Thanks for your answer, reducing the bar height helped a bit but i still can’t see the last week of this month, and I don’t have so many events scheduled, no moire than 2 or three per day.
exportToPDF provides the exactly the same output as client side code on a moment of export. So to have week missed in the PDF you have must similar week missed in the client side view of a scheduler. The PDF file which you have provided demonstrate the issue, but I can’t reconstruct it locally, unfortunately.
Also, if you are using exportToPDF, please try to use exportToPNG and check does it provide a valid output or it is broken in the same way.
Following the advice from Sales Department, I post a comment to boost the topic on first page.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Despite our tests, we still can’t generate a PDF with the whole informations : planning & header.
It seems that the resizing option does not work with the dhtmlx module we are using. Is it an option which is unlocked by the licensed version?
We would like use these features on a few more projects, but this header/planning feature is more than required. We cannot print a planning which does not display 5 or 6 weeks a month when a header is added.
Thank you so much for your help,
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