Scheduler exportToPdf Request

  1. I found that the scheduler.toPDFRange() function does not appear to work with the PHP package provided, but in one of your forums I found someone(radyno) who solved this problem Can a similar fix be add to your PHP package

  2. Ability to choose a filename and filepath for the exported pdf?

  3. I noticed that your toPDF function creates and uses a hidden form to POST the data to the PHP page, but the application I’m working on cannot use web form submits. I have little knowledge on this matter but could this not also be done using a XMLHttpRequest

(1) Yep, we will update the online package. Please beware that it will work only for standalone version.

(2) Possible with 4.1 ( name key in export configuration ). For old export code - you need to change it in the php code ( replace hardcoded value with some custom parameter )

(3) Data can be sent by xmlhttprequest, but binary file download can be done only with full page reloading ( real form submit ).