inconvenient recurring pattern format like “week_1___1,2,3,4,5#3”
no any workaround for this.
getRecDates(master_id, number_of_occurrences) returns only start date and end date, there is no any other method to get occurrence details
Currently, there is no public method, but you can reuse a private helper for generating an events array - … ng.js#L916
The arguments are:
ev - series instance to repeat
stack - output array, the method will push occurrences into it
non_render - inner flag that is used by the scheduler
from - get occurrences from this date
to - to that date
maxCount - maximum number of occurrences to generate - it has to be limited since you can have endless series
You can define your own method with a bit more convenient arguments and a return value:
[code]scheduler.getOccurrences = function(id, from, to, maxEvents){
var event = scheduler.getEvent(id);
from = from || event.start_date;// repeat from
to = to || event.end_date;// repeat to
maxEvents = maxEvents || 100;// max number occurrences to generate, needed for endless series
var result = [];
scheduler.repeat_date(event, result, true, from, to, maxEvents);
return result;
var events = scheduler.getOccurrences(seriesId);
the result array will contain complete event objects. The array will also contain records for deleted instances, you can find them by their rec_type value
for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++){
if(events[i].rec_type == "none"){
// deleted occurrence
// visible occurrence
placeholders in input fields is just a text, so I have to select it and replace with something other
Not fully understand. Do you mean input fields in the lightbox? If you want to change any default value, possibly you should change it in a locale object: … other.html
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