Scheduler field validation with dp.setVerificator

If I use dp.setVerificator(index, method) to define validators to Scheduler sections, what information verification functions will receive? Documentation says: value of cell, id of row, indexes of columns. What are these in case of Scheduler event? What is parameter index in case of Scheduler?
I cannot find the sample “07_basic_validation_with_message_html”! Please help!
:slight_smile: Martti

This scenario is oriented on grid, in case of scheduler ( or any other component ) you can use

dp.checkBeforeUpdate = function(obj){ //place here any kind of custom checking logic //returning false, will block data sending if (obj.text) return false; return true; };

In reality “obj” is events id! So I need a bit more code to see the event object:

dp.checkBeforeUpdate = function(id){ obj = scheduler.getEvent(id); alert(obj.text); return true; }
Thanks anyway!
:sunglasses: Martti