is it possible to integrate scheduler2pdf in Joomla as well? If yes, is there any instruction available on how to do this? I’ve found a couple of threads regarding scheduler2pdf but (as I can see), mostly referring to the standalone version.
thanks for your help! I’ve followed your instructions and made it work perfectly on my local Joomla installation. Nevertheless on the remote site I can’t manage to make the button show up. I’ve double-checked everything and also made sure the path to the scheduler2pdf script is correct, but the button doesn’t show up.
Could this be anyhow be related to the ownership of the folder containing scheduler2pdf?
Are using the same plugin version on local and remote servers?
scheduler_include.html feature was added in the last version.
By the way, you can create the same button in content manager using button ‘html’ to edit html-source.
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