Is there a way to replace the standard “new event” text in Scheduler for Joomla with the logged in user name?
Thanks for your hints,
Is there a way to replace the standard “new event” text in Scheduler for Joomla with the logged in user name?
Thanks for your hints,
Modify dhtmlxSchedulerConfigurator.php file like here:
public function schedulerInit() {
global $current_user;
$scheduler .= "scheduler.locale.labels.new_event = '".$current_user->data->user_nicename."';";
$defaultmode = $settings['settings_defaultmode'];
$scheduler .= "var default_mode = '{$defaultmode}';\n";
Hi Radyino,
thank you so much for your reply! As a not very experienced php user I assume, I have to insert the part between the “…”"…" into the section “public function schedulerInit() {”, correct?
I’ve tried this, but Scheduler then gives me a blank page…?
Is there anything I missed?
Find code:
$defaultmode = $settings['settings_defaultmode'];
$scheduler .= "var default_mode = '{$defaultmode}';\n";
and insert before it 3 lines to make code like in previous post.
…please forgive my ignorance, but I’m unable to fix it:
I found the line “$defaultmode = $settings[‘settings_defaultmode’];”
but the following one " $scheduler .= “var default_mode = ‘{$defaultmode}’;\n”;" is not in my .php file.
Tried to add this one as well as the proceeding 3 lines, but I always end up in a blank screen. Shouldn’t there be a definition of $global_user =? (Sorry if that’s all basic for you, but as I said, I’m not very familiar with it - yet…
I’m sorry. I thought asked me about Wordpress and written code is correct for Wordpress.
Please, insert code:
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$scheduler .= "scheduler.locale.labels.new_event = '".$user->name."';";
@$include_content = file_get_contents($url.$this->scheduler_include_file);
if ($include_content) {
$scheduler .= "</script>";
$scheduler .= $include_content;
$scheduler .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">";
So you should have something like this:
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$scheduler .= "scheduler.locale.labels.new_event = '".$user->name."';";
@$include_content = file_get_contents($url.$this->scheduler_include_file);
if ($include_content) {
$scheduler .= "</script>";
$scheduler .= $include_content;
$scheduler .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">";
thank you a 1000 times! That’s perfect - it works like a charm! Absolutely perfect!
Have a great day,