in this demo number of columns in timeline is dynamically overriden by a client-side code, since months have different number of days.
So in order to disable it and use X_Size config in regular way, you need to rid of this code block screencast.com/t/7Fqyc06Rz
Please attach a demo. Timeline scale configuration may come either from server side config (X_Size, etc) or from client side (scheduler.matrix.Timeline.x_size), seems like one of these is overriden somewhere in your project
make sure that JS file is not cached in browser, the simplest way is to add some parameter to script url:[code]
When I run it locally the timeline shows 7 days as expected.
One thing you may want to change, is to make sure that timeline shows days starting from Monday,
js:scheduler.date.Timeline_start = scheduler.date.week_start;