I’m using the mini calendar view of the Scheduler. The calendar itself is hosted as a JavaScript AddIn in a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Page.
The Problem I have is, that the mini calendar does not resize correctly inside the designated browser Container on the page , when the page is opened or resized. The mini calendar only resizes itself, when the PREV or NEXT Buttons are clicked.
I want to achieve, that the mini calendar completely fills out its provided display area, regardless what size this area is.
I have WindowsForm (the startpage from Microsoft Dynamics NAV), which provides a couple of customizable display areas, that can be filled with whatever you want. The form and all the areas within the form are resizeable. In my special case, the area in which I want to display the mini calendar, contains a kind of a HTML browser control in which I am able to display any HTML based informations. To be exactly, the Dynamics NAV development environment provides the ability, to include JavaScript AddIns. These AddIns need to create HTML, that will be displayed in the area.
The problem is, that the display area for the mini calendar could have different sizes, each time the user opens the main form, because he could have resized it (or one of the other areas), and on startup the mini calendar does not fit into the provided display area. It only resizes itself to the correct size, when I click on the PREV or NEXT button.
When you click prev/next buttons, the calendar is updated and it’s size is recalculated. To make it manually, try to use updateCalendar method when you open the main form. docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__ … endar.html
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