Scheduler in month view bug


I was just looking at the demo for scheduler in month view and I noticed a bug.

With two events starting on the same week:

week 1 event A on first line + event B on second line (as they start on the same day)
week 2 end of event B on first line

If you click on event B, as it ends on a position of line 1, the beginning part (on wk1) moves up from line 2 to line 1 and covers up event A.

On the pictures attached you can see the blue event (A) under the start of the yellow event (B).

When you are moving event, scheduler repaints only moved event, as result it may cover some overt evens. ( when you are releasing mouse button - event must take correct position, without rendering over other one )

It possible to enable mode, when scheduler will repaint self fully on any action, and as result you will have a correct view in any moment of time.

scheduler.config.update_render = true;