Scheduler Lightbox values not shown correctly from DB


I have added additional input fields to the lightbox as shown in the code below. The Select field populates correctly and the radio buttons work correctly and when saving the event the fields map correctly and Insert correctly on the database.

However after refreshing the page the event will show the default value and not the value that has been saved to the database. Is there something I am missing to load the values correctly? The time and description values load correctly but the custom fields do not.


scheduler.config.lightbox.sections=[ { name:"description", height:50, type:"textarea", map_to:"text", focus:true}, { name:"Practice", height:50, type:"select", map_to:"pdId", options:practiceOpts}, { name:"Wheelchair Access", height: 60, type: "radio", map_to: "disAccess", vertical: true, options: [ {key:"1", label:"Yes"}, {key:"0", label:"No"} ], default_value: "0"}, { name:"Telephone Advice", height: 60, type: "radio", map_to: "telAdvice", vertical: true, options: [ {key:"1", label:"Yes"}, {key:"2", label:"No"} ], default_value: "2"}, { name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"} ];

can you show a data that you load into scheduler (json/xml that server returns for scheduler.load request). - please select the request and copy the contents of the ‘Response’ tab.

Most probably custom properties are missing from the server data and you simply will need to add them on your backend


Thanks for your reply. This was the case, I had not correctly mapped the custom fields to the data from the database. It works perfectly fine now.