Scheduler - Not able to create yearly events


I am using angular 14 + dhlmx scheduler ^6.0.4 (node package). I am not able to create yearly events. I am receiving onEventSave instead of onEventAdded when I click on the SAVE button.
Any help would be appreciated.

Raj J

Hi. I figured the root cause of this. when you set limit plugin as true , then it blocks you from creating
yearly events.

recurring: true,
editors: true,
quick_info: true,
limit: true,
collision: true // limit the count of events per time slot

scheduler.config.limit_view  = true; //  limit the possibility to view events outside the allowable date range
scheduler.config.limit_start = new Date(,,
scheduler.config.limit_end = new Date( + 10,,;// set limits for creating events - 2 years from current date

Is this a known issue in scheduler package?

Hello @rajeswarij ,

I tried to reproduce the described issue but the creating of recurring events works correctly, here is a screencast:

The described issue can occur with the provided config, if you are trying to create yearly recurring event with default start date(1st/1monday of January this year) - because scheduler can’t set the start day for this year, as it is already in the past, so event creating is blocked.

Best regards,

In that case , Can I Set the default start date dynamically while trying to create an event?

Or Is there any event I can use to detect if my event start date is past my current date ? I checked onEventSave . But it does not trigger.

      if (! {
          text: "Name must not be empty"
        return false;
      if (ev.start_date >=  ev._end_date) {   
          text: "Invalid end date is selected."
        return false;
      if (ev.start_date <=  new Date() ) {
          text: "Events cannot be the created in the past date and time."
        return false;
      return true;
    }, {id: 'save'});

Hello @rajeswarij ,

In that case , Can I Set the default start date dynamically while trying to create an event?

Yes, you can do this using the formSection:

From the onBeforeLightbox event:

The idea is to get the required inputs, and manually set their values accordingly to your requirements, the code may look like follows:

scheduler.attachEvent("onLightbox", function (id){
    // Get curr dates
    let currMonth = new Date().getMonth(); 
    let currDay = new Date().getDate();

    // Get yearly repeat pattern nodes for `every`
    let recYNodeDayNumber = document.querySelector("#dhx_repeat_year").childNodes[2].childNodes[0]
    let recYNodeMonthNumber = document.querySelector("#dhx_repeat_year").childNodes[3].childNodes[0]

    // Set yearly repeat pattern nodes values
    recYNodeDayNumber.setAttribute('value', currDay);
    recYNodeMonthNumber.value = currMonth;
    return true;

Here is a demo:

Kind regards,

Hello @rajeswarij ,

Regarding this question:

Or Is there any event I can use to detect if my event start date is past my current date ? I checked onEventSave . But it does not trigger.

The provided code is almost working, but you should convert dates in checks to the timestamp format, like follows:

      if (+ev.start_date <=  +new Date() ) {
          text: "Events cannot be the created in the past date and time."
        return false;
      return true;
    }, {id: 'save'});

Here is an updated demo:

Kind regards,


I tweaked your code in snippet to reproduce this issue.

The issue is,

  1. I am setting limit_start as today.

  2. Create yearly recurring event with these options in screenshot

Like you said, it should not allow me to create event because my limit_start is today and the scheduler can’t set the start day for this year, as it is already in the past, so event creating is blocked.

I agree, but on onEventSave , I am checking +ev.start_date <= +new Date(), so it should throw an error right? But instead it does not do anything.