Scheduler Pro - Show year at default date position

Hi everyone,

I’m trying the timeline view now and would it be possible to show year as ‘2023’ not ‘2023 - 2023’ by the below setting?

scheduler.config.default_date = '%Y'

Currently, it’s as below:

It would be great if there is something official setting option.
Thank you for your support in advance.


Hello @meicom,

You can change the format of the date in the header with the template function of the specific view,
here is a template for the timeline view:{timelinename}_date_template.html
template for week view:

The code for week view may look like follows:

var dateToStr ="%Y");

scheduler.templates.week_date = function(start, end){
    return dateToStr(start);

Here is a demo:

You can find templates for each view in the article related to the required view:

Kind regards,

Hi Siarhei,

Great, the issue was fixed on my end using the option. Thank you for your kind help.

Best regards,


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