Scheduler Timeline View

Any way to scrollto a specific unit

Check … lunit.html

Or it can be done with private methods as

scheduler._props["units"].position = 5; //desired position scheduler.update_view();

What about for a y_unit in Timeline View

Unfortunately there is no public API for such task in the current version of scheduler.

Is it possible to customize the timeline view as below

    Jun 2013                     |   Jul 2013

Sat 15 | Sun 16 | Mon 17 | … | Mon 1 | Tue 2 |…

Attached the images for your reference.



Yes, you can define two-line scale for the scheduler. … econdxaxis

But it seems the first scale can show only the time always, But I wanted to show the date (Weekly or monthly).

I have tried the below options.

timeline.X_Unit = TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Day;
timeline.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Tree;
timeline.AddSecondScale(TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Day, “%D %d”);

Now the problem is the first scale shows “00” always. The second scale I have to show the month. Is there any work-around?



try following settings for the timeline timeline.X_Unit = TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Day; timeline.X_Date = "%D %d"; timeline.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Tree; timeline.AddSecondScale(TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Month, "%M %Y");

thank you so much… it works fine!!!

I just wanted to confirm from you that the below scenario whether we can achieve with this control or not.

I wanted to display agenda/grid view looks like attached image.

by default it shows the default data as it is, i wanted to transform into columns based on date.

Also we are planning to buy a license soon.

