I have a full custom eventbox and fully custom lightbox.
I have no problem in rendering events from database to scheduler.
When i double click on the scheduler (for creating new event), my lightbox appears from the function i called in scheduler.showLightbox
Now I have this eventbox created at the back of scheduler everytime i open the fullycustom lightbox. when i click cancel button , the temporarily created eventbox is not disappearing, instead it stays on the scheduler.
Please help me to do the cancel function that is in the default lightbox.
scheduler.showLightbox = function (id) {
//open kendo window and fill it with values of scheduler.getEvent(id)
var ev = scheduler.getEvent(id);
var dialog = $("#AppointmentWindow").data("kendoWindow");
// i use kendowindow so i couldnt apply startlightbox
//this is my cancel button function:
$("#btnApptCancel").bind("click", function () {
var dialog = $("#AppointmentWindow");
.LoadContentFrom("Index", "Appointment")
here is my custom eventbox:
scheduler.attachEvent("onTemplatesReady", function () {
scheduler.renderEvent = function (container, evt) {
// var html = "<div class='dhx_event_move my_event_move' style='width: " + container_width + "'></div>";
scheduler.templates.event_header = function (start, end, ev) {
return scheduler.templates.event_date(ev.start_date) + "- " +
scheduler.templates.event_text = function (start, end, ev) {
if (ev.StdTaskDesc != null) {
return "<b>" + ev.DisplayName + "</b><br>" + ev.StdTaskDesc;
return "<b>" + ev.DisplayName + "</b><br><i>" + ev.Tasks + "</i>";
// container.innerHTML = html;