scheduler....Write to XML


its not saving information to the xml using this way.

everytime it loads the information is lost.





scheduler.addEvent({id: �ev123�,start_date: �16-10-2009�,end_date: �19-10-2009�,text: �My new event. dhtmlxScheduler release�});




it displays it� but once the site is close and re-open the info is lost.

what can i do?

i need it by 14th October� PLEASE HELP ANYONE

The samples with static xml used for demonstration only ( they can be used for read-only views ), to save data some server side scripting will be required.

>>what can i do?

Check 05_loading_mysql.html - it uses DB to save new or changed events.
The similar solution exists for Java|ASP|.Net as well ( included in related connectors package )