
Is it possible to set a different height to the second_scale, then the primary scale?

When there are two scales, “scheduler.xy.scale_height = 60” seems to impact both of them. What I’d like to do is make the primary (lower scale) taller than the top scale, so that we can see the whole resource name.

programmatically both scales always have the same height. But probably you could change their sizes by setting height with !important declaration from css

Hi -
I was wondering if there’s been any updates or alternative methods developed in the last few years. I’m trying to accomplish the same thing again - but using the !important declaration doesn’t do it - it changes the size but doesn’t allocate the space properly so the second line doesn’t slide up. Is there an internal property I can set to change the height of the second scale?

Unfortunately no. Perhaps these snippets would help you
Unit view
and also for Timeline view