Script error with localization

Check this sample. Include Spreadsheet and Suite then click Deutsch. This causes script error because spreadsheet does not exist in dhx.i18n. We need to use both of them on the same page so how to get localization working?


Thank you for your report. The problem was confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in one of the future updates.
I’ll inform you about any progress on this issue.

Your reported problem was fixed in the latest dhx.Spreadsheet update (v5.1.3).
You can test it in your original snippet.
Please, download the latest available dhx.Spreadsheet build from your client’s area to get this fix.
Thank you for your report.
Best regards.

I found another issue with localization. Check this sample. Add localization like this:

localization: {
    decimal: ",",
    thousands: "",
    currency: "€",
    dateFormat: "%j.%n.%Y",
    timeFormat: 24

and then set value of any cell to an empty string (for example { cell: “b2”, value: “” }). This causes script error because of negative index of array. Can you fix this?

Thank you for your report.
The problem was confirmed. We’ll tr yto fix it in one of the future updates.
I’ll inform you about any progress on this issue.


We fixed your reported issue in the latest dhx.Spreadsheet update (v.5.1.6).
You can test it here:
Please, download the latest available dhx.Spreadsheet build from your client’s area to get this fix.
Thank you for your report.