How can I get the calendar to make a GET request on each click of a scroll button?
So… I load the calendar, all good. I click on a scroll button, it scrolls for 22 days (as it should) after making a GET request to /data. If I click on “previous” button, it doesn’t make another GET request. I know it caches results so it’s faster and everything, but I need it to make that request as I’m updating the sections as well. So if on the initial load I have 10 resources and if I click on next I get 2 resources, if I go back it doesn’t refresh the sections and it remains with 2 resources.
I think this is what I need, but it doesn’t work for me.
This is how I init the calendar:
[code]scheduler.attachEvent("onBeforeViewChange", function(old_mode,old_date,mode,date){
if(mode != old_mode || (!old_date || old_date.valueOf() != date.valueOf())){
// clear scheduler each time date changed in order to prevent dyn loading cache
return true;
// Each time the events are loaded on the calendar we check for collisions
scheduler.attachEvent(“onXLE”, check_colisions);
scheduler.init(‘scheduler_here’, cal_start_date, calendar_view);
scheduler.load(“calendar/data”, “json”);[/code]
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