scroll in dhtmlx touch in textarea


I’m trying to display a textarea in dhtmlx touch and it doesn´t appear scroll or android or iphone devices.

In google chrome appears.

The line of code I have is:

 oElementos.push ({view: "textarea", id: oIdControl, label: "", readonly: oLectura, value: oValorDefecto, inputHeight: oAlturaTexto, labelWidth: 0});

I tried to put this and does not work.

oElementos.push ({view: "textarea", id: oIdControl, label: "", readonly: oLectura, value: oValorDefecto, inputHeight: oAlturaTexto, labelWidth: 0, scroll: 'true'});

Thank you.

You can enable “touch” scroll for textarea. In this case the scroll will apear while scrolling. However, it is impossible to display the same scrollbar as in desktop browsers.

textarea{ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; }