Select-box columns in grid(2.5) with dhtmlxConnector (0.9)

I'm Enterprise License User, I have wrote a mail to [](, but I get no value in select list. Is this function just support with next version of dhtmlxConnector(1.0) not present(0.9)?
### Hear is my code ##############
### Server side code ####
$grid = new GridConnector($res);
$options = new OptionsConnector($res);
### Client side script ##


We’ve received your email and currently are working on the described problem. We’ll try to send you a reply later today.

Thanks for your help,

because the feature of Grid(2.5) is very important for our new case(customer’s requirement), that needs to be confirmed with immediately.

Thanks again !

I am also interested in using this functionality. We are using the PRO version of the grid version 2.5.
It seems that the problem is the missing class OptionsConnector in the dhtmlxConnector package.
Please reply here with the answer.

Thanks in advance,
Todor Kazakov