选择编辑器select editor可以实现多联级选择吗

选择编辑器select editor只能实现一级层级的选择吗?怎么可以实现多联级的选择?H%24Z(%60EWXDT(0601)9QAP5ZM

Please, ask the questions on the forum only in English!

Can the select editor only achieve a level of selection? How can the choice of multiple cascades be realized?

Gantt uses the standard select element for the lightbox section with the “Select” type. There is no built-in way to change it, so you need to create a custom lightbox section where you can return any HTML elements:

I have the following example with the select element that has multiple selections:

You can also use a third-party library. Here is an example with the select2 plugin:

If you need something different, please, describe your question in more detail.