select size attribute

Hello :slight_smile:

I’m using dhtmlxform 3.0 beta, and I can’t create select like this :

blah blah blah

The size attribute is not in the API documentation of the select item

What can I do ? (I init the form from XML)

Thanks in advance for your answer :slight_smile:


In your sample it’s wrong format of XML configuration of select.
Here is the sample with right XML configuration syntax:

<item type="select" name="videoquality" label="Select Video Quality"> <option value="1" text="DVD MPEG-2" selected="1"/> <option value="2" text="DivX"/> <option value="3" text="XviD"/>

And couldn’t you explain what did you want from size parameter?

Hellow sematik,

My sample was not in XML but in HTML. I would like do the same thing with dhtmlxForm.

I was talking about HTML’s select attribute named size. The size HTML’s attribute is in the first line of my sample : size=“3”

Here’s a complete sample (in HTML) :


I know how to do this with dhtmlxForm 


But I don't know how to do this : 

<select size="3">


Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

Unfortunately this feature doesn’t supported.
But you can choose multiselect type of an item in XML configuration to achieve the same result

<item type="multiselect" label="Account type"> <option value="admin" label="Admin"/> <option value="org" label="Organiser"/> <option value="poweruser" label="Power User"/> <option value="user" label="User"/>


Yes, multiselect type is OK for me, thanks :slight_smile:

Warning : multiselect is not mentionned in the API documentation of dhtmlxForm 3.0 beta
