select with Combo can't disabled after I added a Filtering

I want to disable my select box when I click the submit button,but it failed! please help me!
this my code:
select box (we used jsf ):

... ...

we add a filter to the select box by the Combo when the page onload:
onload = function() {

the js file :

Combo = {
_instances: {},
* convert the select box into a dhtml combo
* @param id the id for the select box
* @param filter boolean if enable filtering mode
* @param active if only apply for the enabled select list
* @return
disableSelect: function(id,disabled){
var menu = document.getElementById(id);
var comp = null;
if (menu && menu.tagName == ‘SELECT’ && dhtmlXComboFromSelect) {
comp = dhtmlXComboFromSelect(id);

convertSelect: function(id, filter) {
if (typeof filter == ‘undefined’) {
filter = true;
if (typeof window.dhx_globalImgPath == ‘undefined’) {
//set up for the xhtml dom images path

	var menu = document.getElementById(id);
	var comp = null;
	if (menu && menu.tagName == 'SELECT' && dhtmlXComboFromSelect) {
		comp = dhtmlXComboFromSelect(id);
	if (comp != null) {
		this._instances[] = comp;
	return comp;
 * convert a list of select list into combo
convertSelects: function() {
	for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
getInstance: function(id) {
	return this._instances[id];
getSelectedIndex: function(id) {
	return this.getInstance(id).getSelectedIndex();


but when I click button call the javascript:Combo.disableSelect(‘frmCreateNPI:turbineType’,true)
it can’t disabled( after the add filter,the html code for select is not a select box ,change to the div),
How can I disable the select box after I add a filter?

After the combo is initialized, the select removed. Therefore, the following code won’t be called if the combo is already initialized:

if (menu && menu.tagName == ‘SELECT’ && dhtmlXComboFromSelect) {
comp = dhtmlXComboFromSelect(id);