SelectBox or ComboBox in datagrid, how to load using JSON

How to populate data in combobox or select box in datagrid using JSON. please help i cannot find any tutorial, i tried experimenting but to no avail. any help would be appreciated thanks again

var jsonko = {data:[
{ id:“DataGrid001-0”,data:[“1”,“two”] },
{ id:“DataGrid001-1”,data:[“1”,“two”] },
{ id:“DataGrid001-2”,data:[“1”,“two”] }

this works for textbox and checkbox

it i just dont know what to feed combobox or select box using json object, i tried feeding it with json array like :

var jsonko = {data:[
{ id:“DataGrid001-0”,data:[{“a”,“b”,“c”}]},
{ id:“DataGrid001-1”,data:[{“a”,“b”,“c”}]},
{ id:“DataGrid001-2”,data:[{“a”,“b”,“c”}]} ]

and it cause me error, json structure is correct but dhtmlxgrid does not read it.


If you need to load data into a grid you should modify your code in this way:

data={rows:[ { id:"DataGrid001-0",data:["1","two"] }, { id:"DataGrid001-1",data:["1","two"] }, { id:"DataGrid001-2",data:["1","two"] } ] } ... mygrid.parse(data,"json")

hello,Do you solve this problem? I also met the problem. can you tell me how to solve it?
thank you in advance.